Hire temporary staff with Adia
This is how it works

an order
Select the roles you need, dates and times, pay rates, and any qualifications required.

Select matching, vetted candidates and hire with a few clicks.

and rate
Confirm timesheets, rate workers and save your favourites for
next time.
What do our clients like about us?

Available anytime and anywhere

You are in control
We are ready when you are. You can create vacancies at any time and on any device, thus ensuring you find the right temporary staff for the right time and the right place.
You determine the hourly rate, confirm applicants and change shifts when everything does not go to plan.

It’s convenient

Free platform
Payroll administration and employer risk? We take care of that.
You only pay when you hire someone.

Profiles, wages and ratings – they’re all transparent. Without any small print.

Save time and money
with Adia
How does this work?
The answer is simple – by magic! (Ok, we admit, we use
an algorithm). Using our platform, you can find flexible staff
to work short term or long term on an hourly basis, thus ensuring you always have a full roster of staff and without having to hire your own workers.
We are constantly improving the algorithm so that you are always presented with the right choice of candidates.
You save time, as the algorithm can compare the levels
of experience, hours of availability and ratings of temporary workers in just a few seconds.
Checking on the state of your affairs via your tablet
in the kitchen, booking a couple of additional chefs
on your smartphone while on the tram or maintaining
an overview in peace on your PC – these are just a few aspects that our clients value.
You will not miss waiting on calls from recruitment agencies either, as you can now keep track of the vacancy yourself and no questions remain unanswered thanks
to the transparency.